We Love you...But...You're Uninvited!

So, you’ve mailed out your save the dates or wedding invitations and now you need to un-invite some of your guests because of Government restrictions on gatherings…but what do you say?
What if guests are offended or upset?
How do you decide who to un-invite?
When do you make the call?
Should we virtually stream our wedding?

These are very important and honest things to wonder, so I’ve broken them down for you!
First, the pandemic gives you a really great scapegoat to un-invite people. And your guests will understand completely when you’re only allowed a certain number of guests at your wedding due to Government restrictions…especially a year into the pandemic.

Not only will they understand, but you’ll also find that some guests won’t feel comfortable attending your wedding due to the pandemic, so they’ll actually be relieved that they don’t have to decline if they’re un-invited!

Next, when determining WHO will be un-invited, group your guest list by importance. Some consider this as list A, B and even C or D. Obviously, your immediate family will be higher on the list than your co-workers or parents friends. Omit children from your guest list, and anyone who you haven’t had much contact with in the last year or more. You can also safely omit any guests traveling from another Province or country if travel is limited or banned.

As a backup, have a secondary list of those guests you’d like to invite, if someone on your initial list can’t attend. When you receive a ‘no’, send an invitation to another guest on your backup (or B) list.

Lastly, I suggest you mail out your invitations much closer to your wedding day than in “normal times”. When we’re not in the midst of a pandemic, ideally you would mail your invitations 4 to 6 months before your wedding. Be mindful of current restrictions and government protocols. Get advice from your wedding planner and/or venue. And aim to send out your invitations 8 to 12 weeks before your wedding.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a crystal ball to know what our event numbers will look like, and when we’ll see larger events taking place again, but 2020 (and now the beginning of 2021) have given us a little peek into how things may look for the remainder of 2021 and 2022…but…nothing is for sure!

Virtually streaming your wedding allows for your closest family & friends to be in-person with you, and the remainder of your guests to watch from the comfort and safety of their homes. Offering a streaming link through your photographer or DJ will be welcomed by those on your guest list who feel unsafe being at your wedding in-person, for those who cannot travel, and for those who may not be included in the current restrictions on gatherings.

The best advice I can give is - be open to whatever might happen this year. Whether you’re postponing for the 1st or 2nd time, or reducing your guest list - remember that you’re surrounded by people who love and support you, and you’ll be married to your love before you know it.

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio


How to Address your Wedding Invitations … the proper way!


I Do's and Please Don'ts: Stationery Edition